Minimal Invasive Surgery is a technique that can be performed through
small incisions for the instruments and the endoscope. The
remaining scars are practically invisible. But more important is that the
children have less pain after surgery and they can recover much faster.
Complications like incisional hernias, adhesions and wound infections are less
This method is applied for diagnostic purposes, where organs are
visualized and tissue samples can be obtained with special
During the same anesthesia the operation can be continued to the
therapy as the pathological findings seen are treated. e.g. The removal of an
infected appendix.
Prof. Dr. Dr. med h.c. Zacharias Zachariou is
specialized in such procedures. He is a member of the Executive Board of the European Society of Paediatric
Endoscopic Surgeons and conducts international courses on laparoscopic
procedures. He is the editor of the first DVD
for laparoscopy in children , published by Springer Verlag in 2004. Prof.
Dr. Zachariou is regularly asked from various countries to demonstrate and teach
this method. He has gained a large expertize, as he performs a large number of
the same operation within a very short time.